Find Your Famous Art Piece Doppelganger using the Google Arts & Culture App

The Google Art & Culture app has become one of the most downloaded apps on the apple store this past month because of this one feature. The app was previously overlooked until they launched a feature that matches your face with famous works of art. The app will give you a percentage of how compatible your face is with up to 4 or 5 famous artworks. It will even give you background on the art piece and where it’s located in case you want to see your doppelganger in real life.

Everyone from Art Fanatics to Celebrities are Using this App

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an art snob to enjoy this app. Many celebrities have taken to social media to share their matches. A spoke person for Google stated that they are thrilled that so many are enjoying this feature and hopes it will connect new users with art. Besides the facial feature, the app provides access to over 1000 museums and offers information about a broad scope of artwork.

The Facial Feature Isn’t Available in Two States And People Aren’t Sure Why

The two states that don’t have access to the facial comparison tool are Texas and Illinois. Google hasn’t commented on why this is the case however spectators suspect it’s because of strict laws that use biometrics, which include facial, fingerprint, and iris scans. Google spokesman Patrick Lenihan declined to comment on why it’s not offered in these two states.

However, these restrictions have not stopped residents from these two states from finding out what work of art they resemble. Since they can’t view the feature in their app, they can send a photo to an out of state friend and have them run the facial recognition for them.

How does Google Know if You Are in Texas or Illinois?

The app tracks the location of the user geographically meaning you can be in New York for a weekend trip and be able to use the facial recognition app but once you’re back in Chicago you’ll be unable to view the feature.

It’s not just the United States who has restrictions on this issue, many Europeans have protested that the feature is unavailable in their location. This might be due to the EU’s biometric law restrictions.

There Is More to the App than the Facial Recognition Attribute

The app has been available for download since 2016 but hasn’t received anywhere near the amount of traction it has received in the last month. The app has so much more to offer besides the facial feature, which includes articles, catalogs, and galleries based on time periods, colors, and much more.