6 Gifts Perfect for Your Social Media Crazed Friend

Snapchat Spectacles

You’ve probably spotted someone wearing this unique pair of specs. They feature round lenses with a Snapchat inspired design. When they first came out a year ago, they were incredibly difficult to get a hold of, because they were only available for purchase in specific locations. Snapchat would drop “Snapbot” vending machines around the nation and people would line up for hours in hopes of reaching the bot before inventory sold out. Luckily for us, the hype has died down and Snapchat Spectacles are available all over the web. There are even some permanent “Snapbot” locations if you’d like to get the full experience of ordering specs from a digital vending machine. Their locations can be found on the Snapchat website. The specs allow the wearer to snap from the perspective of the wearer’s eyes. With this gadget, your Snapchat friends will get to experience life through your eyes.