How To Shop For Your First RV

First, start with the right type of RV for you.

Whether you want to retire and drive across country or have a young family and want to take frequent road trip vacations, an RV is an excellent mode of transportation. You are literally bringing a piece of our home with you wherever you go. If you’re shopping for your first RV, then you need to determine what type to get. Yes, there are as many different kinds of RVs as there are cars. Here’s what to consider:

Class A Motorhomes

At the top of the RV type list are the Class A Motorhomes. These are really rolling estates that provide the most comfort. What you might find in a typical Class A Motorhome are captain’s chairs in the cockpit, a living room with large sofa, dining table and HDTV, complete kitchen with granite countertops, full-size refrigerator, oven, stove, microwave and maybe even a dishwasher.

Moving beyond the front of the Class A, you’ll find a complete bathroom with a shower and flushing toilet that is much bigger than a bathroom on an airplane! Some units have space for a washer and dryer. At the very back will be the master bedroom. But there’s more. A lot of Class A Motorhomes have “slide-outs.” These are extra rooms that extend out from the vehicle for even more space and storage.  As you might expect, Class A Motorhomes are also the high end of the price scale.

Class B Motorhomes

A Class B Motorhome is also called a Camper Van. There are a lot of the same features found on the Class A like a kitchen, dining/living room, toilet and bedroom. It is just that everything is a lot smaller. The advantages of the Class B are maneuverability. They’re a lot like driving really big SUVs and perfect for those weekend trips.

Class C Motorhomes

Class C Motorhomes range from 20 to 40 feet. They can come with slide-outs, too but they’re good for folks who aren’t confident with driving a big rig. They also come with a smaller price tag making them a good “starter” RV.

Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers are just what they sound like. They’re a trailer you hitch to your truck or SUV and bring with you on your trip. Inside, you can get the same kind of layout as the bigger motorhomes. The nice thing about the Travel Trailer is that you can get to your destination, unhook and use your car to tour around. Perfect.

Which RV are you thinking about?