Yes, Psoriases is embarrassing, but did you know it is also treatable?

Psoriasis Can Affect More Than Just Your Skin

When you hear "psoriasis," you probably think of red, irritated skin. And while that's partially what it is, psoriasis goes much deeper than that.

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that can bring on many physical as well as emotional symptoms that don't just have to do with a person's skin1.

Having Psoriasis Can Lead To Depression

The red, scaly patches on your skin can make you feel embarrassed, anxious, and depressed2. It can affect your confidence, make you withdrawn from friends and family, make you feel self-conscious and introverted, and basically impact every decision that you make every single day.

But are you aware, the same processes in your body that form plaques can also change the levels of brain chemicals that affect your mood?

That's why People with psoriasis are twice as likely to be depressed as those who don't have it3.

Psoriasis Can Be Embarrassing

The most obvious reason psoriasis makes you feel down is what it does to your skin. The red, scaly patches can be hard to hide, especially in the summer.

People around you might treat you differently because they don't understand what psoriasis is or they think it's contagious. Surveys show that 1-in-5 people with psoriasis have faced rejection and felt unwelcome at times because of their condition5.

Psoriasis Can Be Uncomfortable

Psoriasis plaques itch, burn, crack, and bleed. People with psoriasis can also have swollen, painful joints of psoriatic arthritis6. Living with these uncomfortable symptoms can make you more likely to be depressed.

Now for the good news...

Yes, Psoriasis is Treatable! 

Don't wait another day.  Get relief for your psoriasis right now.

The dry patches of skin you get with psoriasis can be itchy and uncomfortable, but the right treatment plan can help. That’s because Psoriasis generally responds well to many topical and systemic treatments. Even people with severe psoriasis can get relief during flare-ups in most cases.

And if you need help with controlling your psoriasis, a quick search on the next page may help you find the right treatment options.

Interested in the possibilities? Get the help you deserve today.

Article sponsored by Zagline
