The Best Things To Eat To Live To 100

We all want to live a long, healthy and happy life. Could reaching 100 be an obtainable goal for you? It turns out that thanks to medical advances and smart life choices, a lot of folks are passing the century milestone mark. In fact, there are a lot of studies and books related to the Blue Zones. These are the spots on the planet with the highest concentration of 100-year-olds. Those populations also have a lower rate of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. It might all come down to the diet of those Blue Zone folks.

Here’s are some of the best things to eat (and not to eat) if you want to live to be 100:

Longevity Foods

Longevity foods can be those superfoods that we all probably know we should be eating a lot more of. It is time to get specific. From this list, you should strive to add at least 3 of these items every day:
• Beans (black beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, black-eyed peas, lentils)
• Greens (spinach, kale, chards, beet tops, fennel tops, collards)
• Sweet Potatoes
• Nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews)
• Olive Oil (green, extra-virgin is best)
• Oats
• Barley
• Fruits (any kind)
• Green or Herbal teas
• Turmeric

That shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. What about washing it all down? Here are the best beverages to consumer daily:

• Water
• Coffee
• Green Tea
• Red Wine (just two glasses)

Minimum Food

The Blue Zone residents appear to watch what they eat too. Here are the things you should limit in your diet:

• Meat – 2 times a week of 2 ounces or fewer servings. Fish can be eaten daily.
• Dairy like cheese, cream or butter.
• Eggs – no more than 3 eggs a week
• Sugar – limit as much as possible. Use honey instead
• White bread – 100% whole wheat, whole grain rye or pumpernickel bread are okay.

There are also some items that you should cut out altogether. They are:

• Sugary drinks like sodas
• Salty snacks like chips and crackers
• Processed meats
• Packaged sweets

If you’re eating your fruit, then your cravings for something sweet will totally be satisfied.

Overall, the Blue Zone suggestion is to make 95% of your food be plant-based. Your largest meal should be breakfast and your smallest should be dinner. And try not to eat until you’re “bursting” but just around 80% of being full. Of course, these are just recommendations and any change in your diet should happen in consultation with your doctor. Of course, if you were to tell your doctor that you want to start eating more fruits and veggies, then you wouldn’t hear an argument.