Daily Living

Hybrid Working Plans As We Return to the Office

Launching the Hybrid Work Plan as We Return to the Office Well, everyone is in the process of returning to the office. Whether you have...

How to Revive a Dying Plant

Indoor plants are more complicated than we think. They can soothe allergies and studies show they might even feel pain. Choosing the right plant...

Tips to Practice Self-Love

Self-love is hard work. We see quotes telling you to love yourself screaming daily from social media feeds, But, several questions exist. You may...

Easy Exercises You Can Do When Lying Down

How you wake up in the morning can go a long way to determining how the rest of your day is going to go....

History of Apple Cider

There is a great deal to know about apple cider and its history for centuries past. Even better, as a drink we adore so...

The Biggest Turkey In History… for now

Considering the traditional size of the Thanksgiving turkey we eat for dinner, you may find a shock at the various records involving the largest...

DIY Halloween Costumes for Dogs

We all love Halloween with the kids, creating their costumes and going out trick-or-treating or attending those colorful parties. However, wouldn’t you love to...

Halloween Punch Ideas

With the spooky nature of Halloween celebrations, there are various directions to take with your menu. And, most likely, it is helpful to keep...

History of Oktoberfest

For lovers of beer, October is like the Super Bowl all month long. You’ll find every bar and pub getting into the Oktoberfest spirit...

First Halloween Ever Recorded

Interestingly enough, Halloween hasn’t always been recorded and celebrated in the same manner as it is today. Plenty of records exist about the first...

National Dog Day

If you are a dog lover, then there is a wonderful holiday in August. On August 26th you can celebrate National Dog Day, founded...

Burger Recipes to Check Out

Each year, Americans consume upwards of 13 billion hamburgers. Those burgers are bought in drive-thrus, restaurants, and from the local grocery store. If you’re...