
Summer Makeup Essentials

Summer is the most vibrant and fun time of the year. There is so much that one can do during the summer. You get...

4 Tips For Starting A Fun Book Club

Ever since we found a way to put our words down on paper, there has been some form of books. You could think of...

4 Perks to Having a Dog as Your Pet

If you own a dog, you probably know what joy feels like and what happiness they bring to you. If you don’t have a...

3 Tips on How To Go Retro For Your Next Dinner Party

Ever since the first hunter invited his neighboring cave dwellers over for some roasted mastodon, there have been dinner parties. Back then, after the...

Ultimate Vacation Adventure: A New Zealand Walkabout

As landmasses go, New Zealand is the last one to be settled by humans with carbon dating putting the early settlers on the island...

How To Throw The Ultimate Summer Party

At some point during the summer you might be tempted to throw a party. The popular time to toss a party is the 4th...

Fun Shark Facts To Boost Your Shark I.Q

If you're afraid of spiders, then you have arachnophobia. If horses give you the shivers, then you have equinophobia. If you cringe at the...

A Brief History of Board Games

When was the last time you had a game night? We’re talking old school board games. Every home should have some portion of a...

2 Foods that Still Taste Terrible Frozen

There are a bountiful of delicious frozen delicacies from ice-cream, gelato, mochi, to the ever so popular frozen banana stands. However, there are some...

5 International Desserts You Need To Try

Are you an adventurous foodie? Do you love trying different cuisines? This list might be perfect for you! Ras Malai This Indian dessert directly translates to...

Find Your Famous Art Piece Doppelganger using the Google Arts & Culture App

The Google Art & Culture app has become one of the most downloaded apps on the apple store this past month because of this...

5 Animals That See Unique Colors

Humans have three different types of cones (yellow, blue, red). Cones are what allow us to see color, while rods help us adjust to...