“No matter where you go, there you are.” Truer words have never been spoken. Thank you, Buckaroo Banzai. If your ideal vacation involves a road and a trip, then you’re not alone. Many folks enjoy taking to the highways and byways to discover what’s great about America. Thankfully, there is plenty to discover no matter where your starting point will be. A road trip can be a lot of fun for a family and create the kind of memories that last a lifetime. It’s also the basis for a great many of movies. As with most things in life, it will help to have a budget. You should figure out what it will cost in gas, food and lodging and try to stick to that budget. Always remember, the destination is not as important as the journey.
Plot A Course (Sort Of)
It will help to know where you want to go. Thankfully, there are plenty of map apps and GPS devices that can help you get there. This is something that should be calculated before you start out on the trip. Of course, just because you have a clear path to your final destination doesn’t mean you can’t take the occasional detour. In fact, those side detours are what might turn out to be the most memorable on your road trip.
Book Ahead
Before hitting the road, you’ll want to secure a place to lay your weary heads after a long day of riding. If you’re traveling by rental RV, then you’ll need a campsite reservation. Otherwise, you’ll do best with the many roadside motels and hotels. The goal should be to book ahead so you won’t come up short. Make sure wherever you go will embrace the late check-in. A road trip should be fluid.
Amp Up Your Ride
Taking a road trip with the family is all about seeing the sights. However, there could be long stretches of highway with nothing to see. This is when you want to keep the backseat riders happy. Be sure to amp up your ride with games, movies, music and anything else that will keep them happy campers. Remember, a mini cooler with snacks and drinks makes for the perfect “wall of Jericho” between the backseat riders.
Embrace Your Many Travel Styles
If you’re loading up the car with the family for a fun-filled vacation road trip, then you’ll soon find that everyone has a different agenda. Sure, you all want to get to the next amusement park, beach or big ball of string. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be detours along the way. Someone in the backseat might want to stop at as many souvenir shops as possible. Someone in the front seat might have their eyes on the next outlet mall. As the driver, you might want to clock as many miles as possible before rolling to a stop. Guess what? All of those agendas are workable. In fact, it will be fun to let everyone have a voice as to what the next stop might be.
Where will the road take you on your next road trip?