Daily Living

Use These Tips To Save On Car Insurance

Going without car insurance just isn’t an option. In fact, the more uninsured motorists there are, the more the rates go up for everyone...

How Your Body Changes In Extreme Cold

There is a reason why a large segment of the population heads south for the winter: It is good for the mind and the...

How To Pick Out A Rescue Dog

A dog is a great companion. Just ask any dog owner. Not only will they provide company but they’ve also been shown to lower...

How To Avoid Caregiver Burnout

There might come a time in your life when the roles between you and your parents are reversed. You will become their caregiver to...

How To Save Even More At Target

Target has increasingly carved out a strong position on the shopping front. It has evolved into a “one-stop” destination where you can stock up...

The Best Approach For Doggie Dental Care

Dentists recommend that we brush our teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes a session. Flossing should also be included in that...

How To Help A Loved One Who Is Depressed

Depression is a lonely struggle that can often go unrecognized and undiagnosed. You would actually be in a relationship with someone who is clinically...

Fastest Way To Recover From Hard Workouts

A while back, Jane Fonda produced a series of aerobics workout videos and coined the phrase, “No pain, no gain.” The basis of that...

Affordable And Awesome Valentine’s Date Ideas

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. The clock is ticking. The pressure is building. Will this be Valentine's Day date to end all Valentine's Day...

Surviving Flu Season While Working In An Office

Going by calendar dates, flu season starts in mid-October and runs until the following April. Of course, there are always flu viruses going around...

10 (Not So) Surprising Things That Should Never Go Down The Drain

When was the last time you had to plunge the kitchen sink? Sadly, the vast majority of kitchen clogs are self-induced. It is what...

New Laws For The New Year

January 1st is the day we throw out our old calendars and start to work on all those resolutions. It’s also the day when...