Daily Living

Find Your Famous Art Piece Doppelganger using the Google Arts & Culture App

The Google Art & Culture app has become one of the most downloaded apps on the apple store this past month because of this...

Top 6 Kitchen Items For Anyone on a Budget

The smallest of kitchens are still able to provide function, space, and flexibility. Here at Zagline, we’ve researched and compiled a list of affordable...

These Bookshelves Will Blow Your Mind

Modern art has inspired a new age of furniture. Instead, of the typical square or rectangular design, try something more geometrically artistic. These shelves...

6 Tricks to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

The beginning of every new year marks the rise of a new wave hopeful individuals determined to keep their New Year’s resolutions. However, creating...

Here’s How to Find Out if Someone’s Been Creeping on Your Netflix Account

Your Netflix account contains sacred information that describes your taste in media and exposes how much time you spend streaming. This is data you...

6 Gifts Perfect for Your Social Media Crazed Friend

We all have the one friend who has to let the entire world know what they're doing 24/7. It could be anything from what...

Use this Simple Trick to Maximize Your Sleep

We sleep for about a third of our life, but how can we maximize our quality of sleep. There are tons of tips online...

Are These 6 Common but Toxic Dog Food Ingredients Killing Your Best Friend?

Are These 6 Common but Toxic Dog Food Ingredients Killing Your Best Friend? Common Chemicals That Kill Dogs Found in Dog Food Pesticides. Chemicals used...

Use Better Time Management To Improve Your Family Time

How good are you at "spending more time with the family?" This is a very noble resolution to make but one that is going...

The Big Do’s and Don’ts of Modern Parenting

We've established that we're living in the best time to be a parent. That's thanks to all the apps and easy online shopping. So,...

Could You Live Like A Billionaire?

Millionaires, billionaires, and gazillionaires. These are the folks who don't worry about tax day because they have enough money to hire a team of...

DIY New Holiday Traditions

"It's a tradition." That's the excuse we give for many of our holiday rituals. Traditions have a way of making us feel warm and...